Moving Abroad: What Should You Leave Behind?
By Vance Stevens
Special to
When moving internationally, you can save thousands of dollars by carefully considering what to bring with you and what to leave behind. To help reduce costs from international movers, remember to pack your possessions as tightly and lightly as possible to save money and shed yourself of the things you will no longer need in your new land. Don't hesitate to leave your physical and emotional baggage behind when you leave. Moving abroad is a great way to have a fresh start, so don't make the mistake of shipping a lot of excess belongings or let unneeded weight slow you down.
It's easy to over do it when it comes to clothes. Do your best to separate what you need from what you can do without. Donate your seldom worn garments or host a yard sale and raise a few extra bucks for your move abroad. Know what to expect form the whether where you are moving. If it stays warm for most of the year, leave your winter sweaters and heavy coats behind.
Personal Items:
Limit yourself to only a few personal possessions and leave behind bulky and heavy items like your DVD and book collections. Choose a few favorites and pack the rest for storage. Office supplies are another no-no. Leave you stapler, notepads, and anything else that you can purchase once you arrive at your destination. For gaming devices and electronics, it is best to bring only what you can travel with; and limiting that to the bare minimum. If you're bringing small electrical appliances such as hair dryers, electric razors or an iron, consider buying inexpensive replacements once you arrive. This will not only help free up some much needed space, but it will also save your from buying adaptors for foreign outlets.
Don't be weighed down by excess paperwork. There is no need to bring with you old tax papers, outdated lease agreements or cancelled bank statements. Find a storage unit to store the unneeded paperwork or find a family member who can hold on to them for you while you are away. Another option is to scan documents and then upload them onto your computer or a memory card. This will not only help eliminate clutter, but it will also help keep you organized.
Leave your extra toiletries and household supplies behind. Bring only the basics with you during travel. Be sure your toothpaste, body wash and shampoo are no more than 3 oz. and are in a clear plastic bag no bigger than one liter in size. Anything you can do without, leave behind. You'll save money by purchasing these products once you've arrived at your destination.
In most cases, leaving your car behind will help greatly reduce your moving costs and help eliminated extra hassle once you've arrived. Consider selling your car or finding a family or friend who would be willing to store it while you are gone. Depending on how long you will be abroad, storage may not be reasonable. Look for cheaper alternatives or sell it and use the money to help pay for transportation when you arrive at your new home.