In today's global village it is becoming more and more
common for people to relocate overseas. Many companies have sites in more than one country and regularly transfer employees from site to site. Some people move for a year or two and others moving for a much longer period for time, some even permanently. This relatively new market is also what is driving top line growth in many
moving companies and is allowing them to offer competitive rates.
Quality of service in an international move should be the primary motivator in deciding what company to utilize, not price.
Moving abroad brings with it excitement as well as anticipation. In order to reduce the anticipation to a manageable level and enjoy the excitement, be sure to plan well in advance and do your homework about the new country as thoroughly as possible. You local library, bookstore and of course the internet will have lots of useful information on what to expect. Even if you have visited the country in the past, living in another country brings with it a whole new set of issues you will need to get your arms around. For example:
- Do they speak English in your country of destination and if not, are your language skills good enough?
- What is the local food like and you and your family like the food?
- What is the educational system like and where will your kids go to school?
- All these and more are important topics discussed in this guide.