Are You Afraid of Moving?
We often fear big changes that come into our lives, from starting school when we are very young up until having our first baby. Anything new is exciting, and can be scary, and this includes
moving. One would think that moving itself would be a busy time, but scary? However, for many people, anxieties can run high and they can start fearing moving, even putting it off till the last minute because they're so afraid. So, here are the common things people are afraid of when moving, and how to alleviate them:
- Fear of the task of moving and getting it done in time
Perhaps you've looked at your home and everything in it and thought "Oh my gosh, how did I get all this STUFF?" You're not alone! Many people steps include (but are not limited to): not taking quotes over the phone or internet, getting several in-home consultations, dealing directly with international moving companies and not brokers and checking with your local BBB and moving authority to see if the mover is legit. accumulate many things in a short amount of time, and are surprised when an event like a move has made them face all of it. However, don't let fear paralyze you to the point of not doing anything - this will make your worst moving fears come true! Instead, focus on the task at hand. Create a checklist of items you need to bring and a timeline of when to do what. Getting started is the hard part, but once you get into the groove of it, you'll see how easy it is and you'll get done in no time!
- Fear of unscrupulous movers
Once you start telling people that you're moving, or perhaps when you start doing research online, you'll hear all sorts of stories about a friend of a friend who ended up losing all their stuff when the movers ran away with them. It's true, there are many moving companies out there who are unscrupulous. However, truth be told, they are few and far between, and if you do your research, and take the necessary steps to protect yourself, you can avoid being fooled.
- Fear of loss or damage
Your furniture and your other stuff is testament to your hard work and took a lot of money and investment. Moving brings in an unknown element - what will happen to your stuff after it leaves your home and before it gets delivered? Yes, it's true that many things can get damaged, but there are things you can do to prevent it or remedy it. First, take out insurance against damage or loss. That way, if something does happen, you'll have a recourse to get your investment back and replace any necessary items. Make sure you tell your mover if a particular item is fragile, so they can handle it accordingly. And more importantly, is something is of great value and simply irreplaceable, then don't put it in the moving done. Have it shipped with a specialty company or bring it along yourself.
- Fear of the kids not being able to adjust
Your kids may protest and cry when they find out you're moving. After all, in their very short lives, they only known one thing and change to them is a big and scary thing. However, you must remember that kids are resilient - in fact, they may even take it better than you think. You must remember though to tell them as early as possible and be honest for the reasons for the move. Keeping them in the dark will only grow the resentment they feel. Also, let them be part of the move. Assign your little ones some "important" tasks so they feel grown up and not left behind.